Free Educational Resources

  • Use this guide to help recover from an injury or start a new exercise or activity. (Download PDF)

  • Use this guide as a blue print for beginning your strength training journey by applying the six core movement patterns of the human body. (Download PDF)

  • Training strategies to keeping you running while avoiding injury. (Download PDF)

  • This workbook created by Dr. Greg Lehman discusses what factors contributes to our pain, and provides strategies on how to manage pain in everyday life. (Download PDF)

  • Learn about osteoarthritis and how to prevent and manage it. (Download PDF)

  • Are you moving enough throughout the week? Use these guidelines to find out and learn about the health benefits that healthy movement habits can bring. (Download PDF)

Pain Science Education Videos

How you think about your pain can change the way it feels. Here, Professor Lorimer Moseley explains how pain works and explains new approaches to help reduce your pain.

Why do we hurt? Do we actually experience pain, or is it merely illusion? Lorimer Moseley explores these questions, and describes how the pain that we feel is meant to protect.

Professor Peter O’Sullivan discusses misconceptions around the term “core stability” and its relation to low back pain.

Professor Peter O'Sullivan discusses some of the myths about back pain which are widely held and negatively impact on the perception and treatment of back pain.

Pain scientist, Dr. David Butler, explains “cortical smudging” and how the brain-body connection is effected when we’re in pain.

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